Sabado, Marso 16, 2013

#1 Career Planning

1. Career planning is a rewarding and positive experience. It can have multiple benefits, from goal-setting to career change, to a more successful life. Write the essential steps and their corresponding explanations towards a successful career planning      

 -The first step is to knowing yourself. By knowing yourself you will know what will be your objectives in life. It means that you have a planned to do for your future. If you know everything about yourself specifically what are the things that you can do, what are the things you love to do, what is your strength, what you want to be and on what field you are excel. You will know what career you are going to pursue.
          The second step is finding out. In this step you will explore the occupation and learning areas that you are interested. You also need to compare the skills that you have, to the occupation that you prefer. If you still don’t have any idea what career you want to pursue try to look some of the occupation that is available and try to get all the details about  it then relate your skills if it is fit to the job you will chose.
          The third step is making decisions, it involves comparing your options were you will assure if it was the best work option, and compare it if it suites to your skill, interest and in your value. Then to narrow down your option and make sure if you can handle the responsibility on that job.  
          The last step is taking action, after reflecting yourself, researching and gathered information
and making a choice to the career you want to pursue. You are now going to take an action by developing a job search strategy, and then send an application letter as well as the resume and then preparing for a job interview.

2. Since teaching is a lifetime profession and vocation, why is career planning a significant endeavor?          

-Career Planning is a significant endeavour because it is a continuous cycle of life. Because a particular person always choosing an occupation that is fit for them, some people are always searching for a job because in the present days, there are no permanent job to a person who always seek for a success. Some people are possibly change their career because they had discovered that there are career that is more suitable for them and possibly it will enhance more their knowledge, understanding skills and attitude that required to achieved short and long term career objectives. 

3. Interview with an Artist Teacher

Name: Brenda B. Ganay, Ph.D.                            Age: 44 years old
School: Tolega Sur Elementary School             Position: Principal I
Length of service: 22 years

·         Why did you enter the teaching profession?

I entered the teaching profession because I want to teach children and be one of the molders of the youth. Also, teaching profession allows me to render service and extend love to others.

·         How did you prepare for your teaching career?

I took up a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and I was able to complete all the requirements for the profession. I also passed the licensure examination for teachers. For professional development, I pursued graduate studies and attended various training workshops and seminars while in the profession.

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