Sabado, Marso 16, 2013

#7 The Teacher as a Promoter of Peace in the Workplace and in Community

1. Choose 1 topic from the list below. Read articles about it and write an at least 500-word reflection and insight. Include in the post the link to the articles if read online or the title of the journals/magazines/newspapers with date of publication.

                 In the article of Ron Clark “What teachers really want to tell parents” it shouted all the silent lips of all the educators all over the world. In this article it highlights how should parents treat all the educators. In molding a child the parents and teacher must be partners, they should help each other to put the learner in the right path. In this article it shows how all the parents kill the dignity of a noble teacher. They are manipulating the system of the educators on how they should do their job on their child. The teachers are treating like slaves; they are only following what will satisfy the parents. Ron Clark revealed all the wrong doing of a parent to a teacher, in the article it highlights what is the real job of a teacher. A teacher is an educator not a nannies they educate children to be a person that can be proud of. A teacher also can see all the problems in a particular child that a parent cannot see, because teacher works with the pupil’s every day. The parents must always trust the teacher because a job of a teacher is to mold and shape a learner; they are responsible on what will be the future of a child. The teachers are the only one who will set the objectives to be attained by the children not the parents, because a teacher knows what would be the best for a child especially in its education. The teacher set the rules not the parents. The teacher is responsible for the discipline of a child especially inside of the campus. Because based on the article of Ron Clark all the teacher are all tied up, hand cup and humiliated by the parents. the teacher must be respected, loved, idolized, etc because they are the role model of a community without them no child will be provided a good quality education and discipline. It is true that parents can also educate and discipline a child, but it is a major role of a teacher to educate and discipline a child, it is more effective if parents will collaborate with the teachers to make the child become a better person. So that the parents must understand all the possible situations that they will encounter. 

2. Listen to the music of other countries and learn to sing one song. Video record yourself singing it. Post the lyrics.

(We celebrate your birthday)
Seng-il Chook-ha Ham-ni-da
(We celebrate your birthday)
Sa-rang-ha-nun Oori ________(name)
(Our beloved_______(name),)
Seng-il Chook-ha Ham-ni-da
(We celebrate your birthday)

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