Sabado, Marso 16, 2013

#5 Global Classroom

1.  A globally competent citizen exhibits the characteristics listed below. Explain clearly as you can what each characteristic mean to you?
1. Has appreciation for people from other cultures.
          - if a person has appreciation from other culture it means that he/she treat them equal without any form of  superiority. They are the person whose minds are open or they evaluate people with open minded. These are people who are avoiding practicing ethnocentrism they did not think that their culture is the best among the other culture and they have the respect to ones culture.

2. is sensitive to the needs of people different from themselves.
- It is a person who approached other people without any discrimination, meaning it respects all the needs of the others even though it is different on what you need. These are people that are aware on the difference of the other countries and other people that have a different culture and they can communicate and approached them that can have a harmonious relationship with each other.

3. Has increasing knowledge about people around the world.
-  It is person who adapts some of the culture that is differ from his culture, it widens his/her knowledge and this person know how to relate itself with the culture that is differ from him/her.

4. Has critical cognitive skills and attitudes such as empathy, interconnectedness, perspective taking, cross-cultural understanding, action orientation, and prejudice reduction.
          - This is those people who can respect each individual that had different culture. It is a person that avoids discrimination to the others and this are the person who can relate themselves to those culture that is not familiar with him/her.

2. As an educator, you can make a difference in teaching and learning locally and globally when you address the needs of the nation you serve and transit the proper attitudes and beliefs you think to be necessary to maintain the society of which you are a part through your learners in a global classroom. Discuss how you can make your classroom a global community. 

Characteristics of a Global Classroom
How can you make your classroom a global community?
Global perspective is integrated throughout the school curriculum not just in social studies.
The teacher must used any increases flexibility offered in the curriculum to respond to issue as they arise. Pupils get a lot of their information about he global issue from any forms of media to help the students to interrogate the information critically and consider a range of perspective.
International focus courses are developed in areas such as anthropology, regional history, geography, global or world studies, foreign language study, world religions, ethnic group studies, international business, music, and art.
The teacher must post some trivia and pictures in the bulletin board that are international so that the pupils is aware about the related information in a particular country.
Internationalizing instructional methods and materials emphasize intercultural interaction and culturally appropriate methods of instruction and assessment. Partnership programs with other schools and countries can also be developed.
In the modern day the classroom must have real communication technology to breakdown the geographical barriers, so that pupils can get in touch to other school in other countries to have a harmonious relationship.
Encouraging international travel as an important part of one’s education
the teacher must have the materials that can be used to make travel in the whole world without leaving the classroom. the classroom must have posters,pictures,trivia that will widen the knowledge of the pupils about the other countrie


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