Sabado, Marso 16, 2013

#2 Distance Education

1. Describe the differences between a traditional/conventional face-to-face education and distance education.
-In traditional education the approach that is mostly used is traditional teacher centered approach while in distance education the approach used is student centered approach. By means of facilities in learning the students are learning or studying inside of the campus but in distance education you can learn everywhere specifically at your home, in your office during off time and somewhere else that can access to the internet.
In traditional education the students are following instruction from a teacher and listen to their lecture, they also learning by means of observing and listening. In distance learning the students have a guide to be followed to accomplish the task to be learned. The learner is responsible to discover the lesson that they need to learn by following the task that their supervisors send to them to do.

2. What are the benefits of distance learning? How do they provide access to the different types of learners?     

-There are lots of benefits with comes to distance learning. In distance learning a student can save time and energy on commuting because they are not required to go back and forth to school, also they are comfortable while studying because a student will not experience to have a room that is not conducive to them but in distance learning a student can learn somewhere else that they can work comfortably specifically at their home, offices and somewhere else that they can work comfortably.  Specially to those learners that do not want to interact with the other people
Distance learning is that you can study at a pace that is comfortable for you. That no one can interrupt to the work that you are doing. In distance learning you are not required to come at work/school to complete your attendance and to avoid committing late in class and your time is flexible.  With distance learning a student can study at their own pace, especially to those student that can learn fast and to those student that need time to grasp a concept, plus it will reduce stress and pressure to the student and they can work comfortable.
In distance learning a student can save more money, because the courses are almost cheaper as compare to on-campus counter parts. With this kind of learning you can choose the subjects or topics that you are interested to study, you are not required to study in a whole semester to attain some of the subject you want to learn but in distance learning you can learn all your favorite subjects anytime you want, plus a student can review their assignment and do their homework during at home or somewhere else.

3. Describe the four types of interaction result to reciprocal exchange of communication and understanding of the course content.
-In Learner-Content Interaction, the learner is examining and studying the content of the course, were the learner can established new knowledge by knowing new information that can add to the information that a learner already know. The student learns the course content by the test supplied by other participating in a discussion.
In Learner-Instructor Interaction, the instructor often takes center stage and becomes a lecturer but in distance learning education the instructor becomes more of a facilitator. In learner-centered interaction it helps the learner to reinforce the understanding of the course content or clarify unclear learning points. The interaction between a learner and instructor by transmitted to a electronic means like chat discussion, or e-mail communication.
          In Learner-learner interaction, it intended to promote understanding the course content and stimulate critical thinking. It highlights the need for students to connect with their classmates.  Also in learner-learner interaction it promotes collaborative learning it will lessen the feeling of alones and it promotes sense of a learning community.        
          In Learner-Technology/System, the relationship of the learner to the technology must be tandem in online learning, because technology is the main equipment that is needed to make distance learning achievable. If a student had no knowledge about computer he/she will not attain the content of the course but if the student know how to operate computer it will attain the content of the course that they must learn.

4.Explain the following quote and ask at least 2 persons to write their reactions about your write-up thru the comment box of your post.

“Interaction is the key component of this use of the technology to support a more social learning, negotiating meaning through interaction with peers over distance, and forming a sense of community using the technology.” - Amirian

-it is said that interaction is one of the most important aspect in distance learning. Because without any interaction the content of the course will be useless, because if two individual don’t share any ideas or info to each other, there will be no knowledge that will attain, it is like you are doing something that is important and no one is commenting or judging on the thing that you do. You will not now if your creation or task is good or not/correct or wrong.     

          With having an interaction by the use of technology, you can get more information that you are not familiar with and can combine it to the info that you are already known. If there are lesson that is hard for you to understand you can communicate or get help to you professors or friends by means of chatting if their distance is very far from you, by doing this you can clarify the unclear learning points.
Also by means of interaction you can give or suggest your idea if there are group activities that must be done and also when interacting with someone especially to you classmates from far places you can keep in touch with them, and you can both help each other to learn the content of your course by interacting with each other and with your group, with this it is like you are at a one place having a conversation that will foster collaborative learning.

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