Sabado, Marso 16, 2013

#6 Global Classroom Reflection

Topic: 31 Rare and endangered turtles smuggled out of PH.

          It is a big problem if one day all the animals are all gone. Animals are one of the most important creatures in the world, without them the balance in this world would be irrational. In the modern world there are currently 3079 animals and 2655 plants classified as Endangered worldwide, compared with 1998 levels of 1102 and 1197, respectively. The extinction of animals is nearly to happen if we still continuously destroy our environment. In the Philippines one of the endangered species that need for conservation is the fresh water turtles/pond turtles (Siebenrockiella leytensis).   

In the article “Thirty one Rare and endangered turtles smuggled out of PH” I feel sad because someone had stolen one of the treasure of our country especially those species that are endangered. Instead of protecting those species they will only used it for their benefit and business purposes. The most irritating is the one who will benefit to this species are the foreign countries specifically the HONGKONIST, they will only used it for their benefits even though we are trying to conserve them so that their species will not be instinct. I also get mad because there are Filipino that are involved within this issue, specially those fisher man who are selling pond water illegally to a foreign people, the authorities who are securing and protecting those endangered species must put their focus one hundred percent in protecting those pond turtles.   

Thankfully that thirty one turtles out of thirty six smuggled turtles had made back to manila alive. “Director Mundita Lim of the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) had announced the repatriated of the turtles that had been captured in Palawan last February”. In this message of the director I feel so happy because we had retrieved one of the treasures of our country and it proves that Filipino people had concern to our environment especially in animals. And thankfully that the turtles had return healthy and there are no difficulties that happened to the animal but, even though they had returned I feel sorry to those turtles that had died during the captivity.

We need to wait a month, and years to have a new set of life of turtles that will balance our ecosystem. So that according to the article that I had read. Lim assured for the safeness of the endangered species in the country that they will do to stop the illegal trade of wild animals to other countries, because our country the Philippines is the hot spots for illegal trade of wildlife cause by poachers and illegal fisherman harvesting marine animals specifically in the area of west Philippine sea and Sulu sea. 

Thankfully to those authorities who are protecting our treasure in the hands of the aliens and the prevention of trading of the endangered species like what the Chinese student that planned to bring 13 box of turtles in the other country, it was to close that he will bring 13 box of turtles oversees, thanks to the security level of the airlines that it prevent the plan of delivering a endangered species to other country. Hopefully it is a lesson learn that no can steal anything to those people who are valuing their treasure. 


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